Thursday, November 12, 2009

The million people in my neighborhood

I don’t want a lethal plague or epidemic to sweep across the country and ravage the city I inhabit, partly because I would  be among the first to sicken and die, also because I would have to watch my friends die, even if I didn’t.  But at the same time, I’ve felt for the last week or so like this town I live in is unreasonably crowded.  Every time I approach an intersection, I’m overwhelmed by the sheer number of people on the sidewalks.  Lines everywhere are too long.  At the bakery I like to visit some mornings, I can’t seem to get a table anymore, as they are all taken.  I reiterate:  I don’t want a disease to wipe these people out, so that’s not solution to this problem I’ve decided to have.  Maybe some of them could move to Jefferson City


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